No one has an ordinary life. What from the outside may look like a mundane existence or an uneventful life, discounts the individual. It ignores the history, the backstory, even the potential that exists for everyone to fulfil.
The Christian view is that we are all created in the image of God, each unique and special. So how can anyone be ordinary?
This delightful book from Jo Sheringham makes this point so well. The characters in this story do not stand out. They are maybe the sorts of people that one may not notice, but on the inside there is treasure. On the inside are people whose hearts can be inspired, swollen with the word of God, to bring life and love into the world. To be salt and light, even if in small ways when a touch from God breaks in to our everyday lives, to bring comfort, hope and love.
Jo writes beautiful descriptions, especially in the details, and allows the reader to become well acquainted with the characters. We will all be able to empathise with their doubts and fears.
This story shows how it takes just a little faith to allow the love of God to work through us, and how just a little bit of kindness can make a large impact. How being a little bit brave with small acts of kindness, by taking an interest in and caring for others, can be a precious gift. Sadly it can be rare, but that makes it even more valued by those who receive it.
This shows us that people may not be remarkable, but they are also never ordinary. No one can be ordinary.