A lovely selection of uplifting poems, with each one encouraging the reader to reach into a deeper relationship with God.
Some are like Psalms, speaking of the goodness of God often when the path of life may be more difficult to walk, similar to many of the Psalms of David. I found many of them could also be read as prayers, as they were words of confession of faith, of praise and worship.
Each is centred around a key verse from the Bible, exploring and applying it thoughtfully to our lives.
All the poems point clearly to Jesus as being the centre of everything, using beautiful language to heighten the understanding of the Gospel.
They are written from a place of honesty, the author voicing her doubts and fears, but clearly knowing that her strength to battle through comes from the Lord.
He Is Faithful in Every Season, by Julia Rose, is available here.
Thanks to the publisher, via BookSirens, for a copy in exchange for an honest review.