Firstly, it is clear that this book just oozes love, which makes it a pleasure to read. It is written from a place of realness, honesty and humility, coupled with an expertise in psychology that seems to have been gained from a combination of academic study and life experiences. At times it is poetically written by someone who seems well qualified to speak into our lives and address our relationship with the Father, with frequent references to scripture throughout.
We read that children need relationship and connection, especially from a parent. At some point in our “growing up” we decide that we need power, which in fact is a bit wide of the mark. All we ever truly need is that relationship and connection.
The author gives it a very personal touch, sharing her own deep personal journey of faith and as well as her knowing she is a child of God. It is adorned with some very personal testimonies to illustrate the points being made – the bravery in sharing them is really appreciated.
As a Foster carer I have received some training and instruction on attachment theories and practices, the psychology surrounding how people relate to each other and especially how children relate to parents and carers. So it was quite fascinating to read how these theories can also be applied, sensibly, to our relationship with Father God. It is quite helpful in assessing the depth of relationship.
The book covers some psychology, which works to highlight how God has made us thinking, emotional beings with complicated personalities and phenomenally created brains.
I especially enjoyed the chapter on play and its importance. I found myself thinking about being intentionally less serious. If we don’t spend time in “play”, alongside God, then we are missing a major part of our relationship with Him, and “play” includes activities that spark our imagination and creativity, so I will count writing in that category!
It also made me see a passage of scripture (Jesus and Peter walking on water) in an entirely new and refreshing way, which I really appreciated.
It is written in a relaxed, accessible and helpful style with good doses of humour and real life thrown in from time to time. There are some creative, practical suggestions at the end of each chapter to help you take steps into a deeper relationship, to become more child-like in outlook and attitude.
It is written by someone who knows children profoundly, who has seen how precious they are to the Father and how we can all approach Him as children to fully understand our relationship with Him. A true reflection of that immensely profound parent and child relationship.
There is a lovely pace to the book, encouraging us to take the time needed to fully understand and let the truths minister to our souls.
Faith Like a Child, by Lacy Finn Borgo, is available here.
Thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for a copy in exchange for an honest review.