The Fall of Lucifer – Wendy Alec

This is not my usual sort of read, but I had been told a while ago that some of my own writing reminded the reader of Wendy Alec’s writing style, so I was intrigued.

Overall the novel reads like a fantasy genre, which is unsurprising, as the things of heaven can only seem like a fantasy to us. It has some wonderful descriptions of the heavens. Fuelled by the Holy Spirit, it is imaginative, informed and creative. As you read it has so much fuel for the senses, the descriptions offering a glimpse of the incredible creations of God. All imagined of course, but fun to read.

As for the story, it is difficult to imagine why Lucifer would want to turn against God. Here it is presented as a deranged madness, fuelled by jealousy and pride, unable to believe that God would create man, in His image, with His DNA, seemingly superior to the angelic creations. He was unable to bow down and pledge himself to serve man. That seed grew in him, taking him over, causing him to wholly rebel against God. We don’t know the truth, but this story seems plausible.

The fact that there was disharmony, rebellion and ultimately war in heaven, is a sobering thought. This was then reflected here on earth once Lucifer took a foothold. The story covers the rebellion and banishment of Lucifer and his followers, the Fall in the Garden of Eden, the implications in heaven and on earth of his actions.

Heaven is depicted, of course, as a place of beauty and intrigue, but also, interestingly, of order, laws, structure, and ceremony. Benevolent but a clear hierarchy amongst the angelic beings.

The latter part of the story we are remined of what the Bible says – that continual spiritual battles are being fought in heavenly realms, on our behalf. They are unseen and ongoing.

If this is your thing, then there is plenty more to come – this is the first in a series of four books in the Chronicles of Brothers collection.

The Fall of Lucifer, by Wendy Alec, is available here.