Keep On Keeping On – Mark Rutland

“This book is not for the young,” Mark Rutland declares, jokingly. He is right, kind of. It is for the older generation to read and digest, but it does no harm for us younger folk to prepare ourselves, so that we can carry the right attitude in our latter years, just in case.

This is pitched as a “laugh-out-loud handbook on how to embrace perpetual youth”, fulfilling that promise pretty effectively. It is packed with sound advice on how to correctly align our attitudes and behaviours when in our latter years. Why should we stop following the path of Jesus when we get older?

We probably know, I hope, many great, older people in our families, communities and congregations but perhaps we also can think of one or two we have come across who could do with reading this book?

It is seasoned with a plethora of stories from Mark’s experience as a church pastor, told with much humour, highlighting the points well. It is very much the craft of a good preacher. Overall it shares an enormous depth of wisdom, a chance to learn from an wise man and carry this wisdom through life. It may be wisdom that disguises itself as common sense when we read it, without realising how uncommon common sense can often be.

It will be a helpful read for people in their later years, but equally for those of us who are just a little bit off our later years. After all, it is inevitable that most of us will get there, so we may as well face that time of our life equipped by the wisdom of others.

Keep On Keeping On, by Mark Rutland, is available here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, but was under no pressure to provide a favourable review.