Courageous Inspirations – Doyvon Montgomery

Courageous Inspirations is a collection of teachings collated from Doyvon’s blog, that offer some short insights and solid teaching on how to lead a life closer to God.

It can be read through, or it could be treated as a devotional, reading a section or one of the seven chapters each day for a week, to get daily inspiration to set us on the right track and help us keep our lives in tune with the blessings of God.

The author clearly has the heart of an encourager, looking to edify the reader. I also felt there was something of the prophetic in the writing, as reading it sometimes feels like prophetic words being spoken over me.

I did enjoy that all bible verses are taken from the King James Version, which seemed to add even more inspiring language to the reading.

In each chapter there is plenty of plain, direct speaking into the life of the reader, following a clear central vision that being immersed in God’s word is absolutely key, to enable a fulfilling life for a believer.

There are many wise words in the book, highlighting how to be intentional in our thoughts and behaviours, that will positively impact our daily lives and keep us on a straight path each day. And there are plenty of simple truths to help you lead a God-focused life, as well as many suggestions that will challenge or prompt you to take action.

Courageous Inspirations, by Doyvon Montgomery, is available here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, but was under no pressure to provide a favourable review.