A Psalm For Every Season – Arnold R Fleagle

Psalms can be a conduit into a place of worship, in our hearts and minds, and this 30 day devotional highlights a selection of key Psalms that can be used to guide us through the highs and lows of daily life. Our response to both extremes needs to be similar … to bring it before God in worship.

Each day you read this, you are being led by a man who has clearly walked through the Psalms and writes about them with a heartfelt passion.

Each Psalm selected is accompanied by a short commentary that highlights particular points of note. It could be read each day for 30 days, or even perhaps one a week for six months or so, as there is plenty of content to ponder. If read each day, it will certainly help to point you in the right direction every morning. Each commentary is followed by a short but profound prayer to round off each chapter, that brings the focus back to where it needs to be.

Working through the book you gain an understanding of the authors of the Psalms and their circumstances, noting that their responses can help us to respond to our situations.

The commentaries are well written, often poetic in their style, doing full justice to the Psalms that are being studied. I was frequently reminded of the real depth that there is in the Psalms, how much there is that can help you to reach deeply into the word of God, time and time again. Many fundamental Christian truths are spoken through the text, that can help to build your faith each day and encourage you to dive deeper into your relationship with Jesus.

It is a great, uplifting resource that leads the reader into a deeper place of worship.

Thank you to Netgalley for the gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

A Psalm For Every Season, by Arnold R Fleagle, is available here.