Abused . Addicted . Free by Trudy Makepeace, is such a powerful autobiography. It is far from appropriate to write a “book review” as such. It would be wrong to critique the writing, the style or the content (which is all fine by the way). This is a frighteningly real-life story, not withholding any punches regarding her extremely difficult background, which makes the turnaround in her life all the more amazing.
The first half is a difficult read, hearing the desperate stories of Trudy’s life. This is then contrasted by the second half which is truly inspirational, realising what it really means to receive the depth of God’s love, that he never gives up on anyone, that no one is beyond salvation and there is always hope. In this context it is truly miraculous. Many tears were shed reading it, and no doubt many tears were shed writing it too.
There is no messing about with this one. Don’t be under the impression that this is at all sugar coated … the opposite. Trudy’s story launches straight in with violence and abuse, shocking but sadly true. And told for a reason… to show the full extent of her miraculous rescue.
Trudy is so open and honest about her former life, which as the title suggests involved abuse and addiction that spiralled out of control on a path of self-destruction. There is no holding back on the details and a clear story of where a life can go in reaction to childhood abuse.
There is insight into a world that will be alien to many of us, even though, if we decided to look close enough, we would see its clear evidence in our society all around us. It is healthy for us to know that these situations and circumstances exist in our society, and perhaps we could be inspired to do something to address it, or at the very least have compassion and understanding for it. Not to judge.
Trudy’s story highlights how childhood abuse can impact a whole life. The outrageous behaviour of adults leads to children blaming themselves, thrown into a fog of confusing emotions that are hidden and buried, to fester. It is so sad to see and read about. As a foster carer, I have seen similar responses by children to their deeply held shame, which can be so damaging. If not addressed in childhood it can lead to a lifetime of issues as an adult… but it is so difficult to address and support.
So it may have been helpful to read this account from a victim’s point of view, but it is also appalling. Truly awful, to the extent that as I read it, I felt ashamed to be a man, or even human. I am truly sorry it happened.
However, to dwell on the positives, this may be a story of a life that tumbled out of control into addiction, searching for peace of mind and relief from the trauma from any source, but it is also a story of the intervention of God, and His immense love, that can turn a life around in such a powerful way. Trudy may have been let down and taken advantage of by so many adults, but never abandoned by a loving God. We are reminded throughout that even in the worst of circumstances, God is still with us.
Trudy is so brave to tell her story, which shows that there is always hope. However dark things get, there is always hope. Hope even to break the cycle of generational abuse and neglect.
This book is so well written and I have so much respect to Trudy for sharing her story. Despite her experiences, miraculously her soft heart won through. An inspirational, special lady whom God loves so much He could never give up on her.
Bless you Trudy, and may you for ever know the depths of God’s love and protection. May He also bless the amazing work you are doing now.
Abused . Addicted . Free by Trudy Makepeace, is available here.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, but was under no pressure to provide a favourable review.